Medical Rep Knowledge

Professional sales person or medical rep knowledge is the second development approach of sales professionalism. Knowledge is power. Also we can say unknown is the main reason to fear so medical rep must sharp himself with knowledge. There are many types of medical rep knowledge he must master like:

  • Product knowledge

 Medical rep must know all things about his product like composition, active ingredient, etc. Product Knowledge must be comprehensive in both breadth and depth. Knowledge gives medical rep self-confidence and helps him to answer any inquiry from customer. He must be sure that no customers (doctors) up to most seniors have greater product knowledge than him .He must be pride in his product knowledge and try to make sure that it is always up to date.

  • Competitor knowledge

 Knowledge of competitors’ products is just as important as knowledge of own product; it can give Medical rep a promotional advantage. The degree of competitor knowledge depends upon the importance of a particular product as a competitor. Medical rep must be careful not to fall into the trap of promoting a competitor drug by mentioning its name more frequently than that of his own. Remember to make a strength and weakness analysis of your own product and competitors one. In sales call make highlights on strength (selling points) of your product and also highlights the weakness of competitor one when it’s important in the call.

  • Customer knowledge

 Most medical reps have too many doctors in their territory to remember every detail of every doctor it’s impossible, therefore some kind of record system is essential (customers list).It is more useful when you get more details especially for potential customer. It does require effort, but the results are well worthwhile. You must also know that your customers is different in potentiality and remember that 20% of your customers will make 80% of your business. So those customers are very important you must give them more time and care them well.

  • Territory knowledge

You are a manager of your territory so you must now everything about it like number of customers, types of customers. You must also classify those customers into A, B, C and set your plan according to this classification. You must also know geographic, economic and commerce of your territory.

  • Medical knowledge

 Professional medical rep needs to know a great deal about the disease areas in which products are used and the current opinion about managing those diseases. He must update his medical knowledge through clinical papers, journals, text books and training materials.

Those mention knowledge above are the most important medical rep knowledge . Follow the third approach of sales professionalism; Skills 

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