How marketer can see marketing mix/4Ps Vs. 4Cs /المزيج التسويقى

من أهم مصطلحات التسويق هو المزيج التسويق هو عبارة عن المنتج والسعر والتوزيع والترويج. يسمى أيضا بالعرض التسويق وهو ما يمكن أن تقدمه المنظمة لعملائها بما يناسب احتياجاتهم

لابد للمسوق أن يهتم بالمزيج التسويقى ليرضى حاجة العميل من جميع الجوانب ولابد أن يقوم بعمل استراتيجية كاملة لهذا المزيج عند إعداد خطة التسويق

على المسوق أيضا أن يرى مزيج التسويق بعين العميل عليه أن يفكر فى المنتج على أنه حل لمشكلة العميل لاشباع حاجته عليك أيضا أن يفكر فى السعر من حيث التكلفة على عميله والتوزيع من حيث سهولة الحصول على المنتج والترويج من حيث نشر معلومات مستمرة عن المنتج الى العميل
فى حالة ترويج الخدمة يضاف الى الجوانب الاربعة العامل البشرى وخطوات تقديم الخدمة وتجهيزات المكان وبهذا يصبح المزيج الترويجى سبع جوانب .

Marketing mix   4Ps Vs. 4Cs

Marketing mix 4Ps used to describe the different kinds of choices organizations have to make in the whole process of bringing a product or service to market. The 4Ps is one way probably the best known way of defining the marketing mix, and was first expressed in 1960 by E J McCarthy.
Marketing Mix 4Ps can described as marketing offer where marketer can tailor it according to customer’s need. That means 4ps is the main source of customer satisfaction. Marketer must look at 4ps when there is a problem in the product he must solve or he wants to make a growth in product sales.  In marketing management process 4ps strategy is an essential process and crucial steps in marketing plan.
The 4Ps are: Product (or Service) – Place – Price – Promotion.
When we market a service not a product we said 7Ps because we add additional three (people, process, physical facilities).
Professional marketer looks at 4Ps by customer’ eyes as 4Cs ,  marketer must think in marketing mix as follows:

  • Customer can see product as a solution to his problem or satisfier to his need, so marketer must describe product in the term of customer’s solution (need) not in a physical attributes.
  • Customer can see price as a cost, so marketer must make his product affordable and explaining the price for customer. He may also add values to his product to compensate high price.
  • Customer can see place as convenience, Marketer must make his product available to customer and distribute it near to him.
  • Customer can see promotion as a communication where he can get a lot of information about product features, benefits and usages. Marketer must provide him with regular information about his product.


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