What are the roles and responsibilities...

A product manager is a middle manager within the pharmaceutical companies, responsible for: Successfully bringing new products (or services/brands) to…

Does Social Media influence HCP behavior...

COVID-19 dramatically accelerated social media usage by HCPs. As a result, social media has been a primary communications channel and…

What is a physician’s product adoption?

A products adoption is a physician’s internal process, involving awareness, interest, eval­uation, trial, and adoption, there process called Buyer readiness…

How to develop a promotional message...

Developing an effective promotional strategy requires much planning. The most important step of your strategy is developing the message. Developing…

What is positioning?

Positioning is integral part of product’s marketing strategy, segmentation and targeting (STP) process. Positioning aims to differentiate the product from…

DTCA (Direct To Consumer Advertising)

عبارة عن ترويج شركات الأدوية لمنتجاتها الدوائية للمريض مباشرة . أى هو الإعلان المباشر للمريض من مسوقى شركات الأدوية منظمة…

How to formulate a plan by...

SOSTAC modelدي طريقة للتخطيط ابتكرها PR Smithسنة 90 عشان تساعده على اتمام العمل التسويقي اللي بيقوم بيه في مؤسسته وبتستخدم كإطار…

How marketer can see marketing mix/4Ps...

من أهم مصطلحات التسويق هو المزيج التسويق هو عبارة عن المنتج والسعر والتوزيع والترويج. يسمى أيضا بالعرض التسويق وهو ما…

How to apply BCG matrix and...

One of the important decision for business unit , Marketing and  product managers in pharmaceutical industry  are determining proper marketing…

Pharmaceutical Marketing in the 21st Century

سوق الدواء من أهم الأسواق والصناعات فى العالم لما له من أهمية على صحة الإنسان  Pharmaceutical marketing هناك  تغييرات ملحوظة…
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