Top10 pharma companies R&D budgets in 2020

  1. Pharmaceutical companies depend largely on R & D to innovate new product for certain diseases to help in patients treatment and remove suffering
  2. 2020 is the year of highest budget in R & D in many pharmaceutical companies. Top 10 companies spent around $96 billion this year.
  3. COVID took the major uptake. Many R& D focused on COVID, but there were plenty in the more traditional areas such as cancer, and in more forgotten areas, like heart disease and antibiotics.

The following top 10 R & D spending companies and This spending as a percent of revenue:

  1. Roche
    R&D budget: ($13.9 billion)
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue: 22.2%
  2. Merck & Co.
    R&D budget: $13.6 billion
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue: 28.3%
  3.  Johnson & Johnson
    R&D budget: $12.15B
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue: 14.7%
  4. Bristol Myers Squibb
    R&D budget: $11.14 billion
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue: 26%
  5.  Pfizer
    R&D budget: $9.4 billion
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue: 22.4%
  6. Novartis
    R&D budget:$8.9 billion
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue: 18.2%
  7. GlaxoSmithKline
    R&D budget:£5.52 billion ($7.7 billion)
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue: 16.1%
  8. Sanofi
    R&D budget:€5.52 billion ($6.6 billion)
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue:15.3%
  9. AbbVie
    R&D budget:$6.55 billion
    Change from 2019:+$150 million
    Total 2019 revenue: $45.8 billion
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue:3%
  10. Eli Lilly
    R&D budget: $6.08 billion
    R&D budget as percentage of revenue: 24.8%

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