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Sales Plan (District Manager case study )

Are you a candidate going to an assessment center? Prepare yourself for district manager assessement case study . Know how to formulate a sales plan cover people and business aspects .

Leadership skills

A poor sales leader can cost a company millions of dollars in lost sales opportunities. lack of leadership and coaching skills is a source of failure for all organization. Improve managers leadership skills have positive impact on organization productivity.

Professional Selling skills

Professional sales persons are born and made . Born through certain traits qualify them to work in sales. Made through contious training and development of their skills

Communication Skills

Communications is the life blood of any person without it he can not live. Effective communication skills means you are able to deliver you message to target audience and get what you need through feedback

Coaching Skills

The challenge to a coach manager is to know which situations call for which approach and to be able to move skillfully from one mode to another. Studies indicate that sales coaching can increase sales rep performance by up to 20%.. Also 87% of sales rep training is lost without good follow-up and coaching by their manager.

Certified Key Account Manager CKAM / Hikma – KSA / August 2024

Today pharmaceutical market is highly driven by multiple stakeholders influencing physicians prescriptions. The Growth in institutional segment faster than private one There are three types of B2B businesses (accounts) which require different approaches in the pharmaceutical industry. 1. Hospitals, hospital chains 2. Pharmacy chains and wholesalers 3. Key strategic authorities, payers شهادة احترافية 36 ساعة لتأهيل مديري كبار العملاء بشركات الأدوية Key Account Manager من خلال فهم : طبيعة أدارة كبار العملاء Key Account Management التعامل مع كبار العملاء مثل المستشفيات (الحكومية والخاصة ) وسلاسل الصيدليات والموزعين وشركات التامين ووزارة الصحة كيفية تصنيف كبار العملاء كيفية بناء علاقة مع كبار العملاء وأصحاب القرار كيفية أضافة القيمة الكبار العملاء تقييم كبار العملاء مهارات القيادة والتفاوض مع كباء العملاء - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - برنامج خاص بشركة الحكمة للصناعات الدوائية فريق المملكة العربية السعودية بالتعاون مع بيباك إنترناشيونال الإمارات

Pharmaceutical Product Management / PPM

Take your first step to pharmaceutical marketing career , understand marketing planning process. Be ready for assessment and practice on marketing plan. شهادة أحترافية مدتها 48 ساعة دراسية لتأهيل العاملين بشركات الأدوية لوظيفة مدير منتجات Product manager من خلال أكتساب المهارات عن التسويق فى شوق الدواء والقدرة على عمل خطة تسويقية بطريقة إحترافية Marketing plan لتكون جاهز للتقييم Product's Manager Assessment IQVIA من خلال دراسة السوق و تحليل أرقام المبيعات معرفة أساسيات التسويق فى سوق الدواء معرفة مهارات إدارة المنتجات معرفة وضع الخطة الإستراتيجية البرنامج عملى يتم التدريب على أكثر من منتج فى الفارما مثل Cosmetics - Anti-hypertensive - Anti psychotics - Anti-Inflammatory - Antibiotics

Consumer behavior (Diploma module)

Consumer behavior is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.

Brand Management

Marketing Research

Marketing research is the systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis, dissemination and use of information for the purpose of improving decision making related to the identification and solution of problems and opportunities in marketing.

Marketing Communication

Product Management (Diploma Module)

Marketing operations or marketing tactics means organization attempts to implement its strategy and meet its objectives. This can done through design marketing offer / 4ps .
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