Marketing operations or marketing tactics means organization attempts to implement its strategy and meet its objectives. This can done through design marketing offer / 4ps .
ratings )
This Course Includes
Unlimited Duration
Items in Curriculum
Course Badge
Created by
February 22, 2025
Unlimited Duration
Learning objectives :
1.Learn how are the organization’s product or services designed?
2.Learn how these products or services priced?
3.Learn how are these products or services distributed?
4.Learn how are these products or services advertised and sold?
Program contents:
1.Marketing operation
2.Product strategy
3.Pricing strategy
4.Promotion strategy
5.Distribution strategy
6.Marketing plan control
7. Action plan
Course Currilcum
- Product strategy Unlimited
- Session 1 A : Marketing operation Unlimited
- Session 1 B : Product Life Cycle / PLC Unlimited
- Session 1 C : BCG Matrix Unlimited
- Promotion Strategy Unlimited
- Pricing Strategy Unlimited